The concept of the Comme des Garçons PLAY line is design by not designing.
Comme des Garçons, French for “Like Boys”. Comme des Garçons is a Japanese fashion label headed by Rei Kawakubo, who owns the company with her husband Adrian Joffe. Comme des Garçons written in Japanese as コム・デ・ギャルソン (Komu de Gyaruson).
What is the Concept
The concept of the Comme des Garçons PLAY line is design by not designing. It’s a collection of basic items based on original forms or prototypes. The PLAY collection is characterized by the iconic red heart logo designed by New York artist Filip Pagowski.
Who Created the Label
The label was started in Tokyo by Rei Kawakubo in 1969 and established as a company Comme des Garçons Co. Ltd in 1973. It became successful in Japan in the 1970’s. A menswear line was added in 1978. The year 1981 saw Comme des Garçons’s debut show in Paris. It created a splash for its predominant use of black and distressed fabrics. Throughout the 1980’s, Comme des Garçons’s clothes often had the distressed look.
You can check out Comme des Garçons online here.

Who Did They Collaborate With
Comme des Garçons PLAY line released their Converse Chuck Taylor All Star line-up on September 21st, 2018 starting with their signature polka dotted pattern and heart logo design. The shoes are being released with multiple colorways and signature heart designs. These polka dotted colorways are one of the more interesting ones out of the whole line-up.
If you’re a sneakerhead fan, and would like to grab a piece. You can snatch these up at DSMNY online or CdG Chelsea for around $135 a pair.